National Program and environmental handling fees
Distribution SX.eprovides the ability to apply, calculate, and record environmental handling fees (EHF) on the sale of designated products. You can set up fees that are specific to a product or location. You can exempt specific customers from these fees. The fees are applied during Sales Order Entry. Whether a fee should be charged, and what the charge should be, is determined during order entry. The fee is included on sales order lines. The fees are accumulated by type, and sales order addons are created with amounts to be invoiced to customers.
For National Program functionality, the environmental handling fees (EHF) are handled differently.
- If the order entry line on the Customer (Dealer) order is flagged as a National Program line, EHF stamped on the order entry line will not be accumulated into sales order addon charges.
- When Correction (CR) claim orders are created in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, EHF stamped on National Program lines will be moved to the OE Correction (CR) claim order to create appropriate sales order addons.
- Vendors may identify EHF amounts in remittance information for claim payments. No specific processing to reconcile or store the amounts occurs. Variances between EHF charges on the original claim and EHF payments made by vendors will be handled in a similar manner to tax variances.