National Program and kits
A pre-built kit is assembled from a work order and is placed in inventory to be sold at a later date. A build-on-demand (BOD) kit is not assembled until the kit is ordered by a customer, and the pick ticket, which contains the components, is printed.
National Program functionality allows individual components of both build-on-demand (BOD) or pre-built kits to qualify for a National Program. As the Distributor, you can be reimbursed at the component level by a Vendor [Manufacturer].
Use the functionality to ensure that kits with National Program components are only purchased by customers participating in a National Program. We recommend you set up and price kits with National Program components appropriately. For example, to facilitate easier claim submittal, you may want to set up one kit for customers that do not participate in a National Program, and set up a similar kit for customers that do participate in a National Program. Each are priced differently.
When you set up a kit in KP Component Setup or KP Group Setup, you can flag a component for a National Program. When an order is being entered includes this kit component, that status is noted during the hierarchy qualification process. Kit production records, product records, and associated PD Pricing Setup-National Program records are checked during the qualification process. An error is issued, and prevents the kit from being ordered, if any component product is flagged as a National Program component, but does not currently qualify for any program: Kit product includes National Program components that do not qualify (7056).
You cannot flag manually added kit components as National Program components, nor will the qualification process be run for manually added components. You cannot change the designation of any component to or from National Program during order entry.
If you have activated the National Program functionality, and you have components of kits that qualify for National Program, ensure the Order Entry Kit Rollup field is set to Blank in Product Setup-General-Kit. You do not want the component prices or costs rolled into the kit. This is because one or more of the components is priced for a National Program.
During processing, receivables are separated for Vendor [Manufacturer] and Customer [Dealer]. Postings to General Ledger are separate for National Program and Non-National Program components.