Setting up a National Program claim account

Sales Order Entry requires a customer record to process invoices. For the Distribution SX.e system to process Correction (CR) type orders for National Program functionality, a Customer Setup record set up as a National Program Claim Account is required for every participating Vendor [Manufacturer]. This National Program Claim Account number is a prerequisite to setting up a vendor record for this Vendor [Manufacturer] in Vendor Setup.

When you set up a Customer record as a National Program Claim Account, specify the general customer, contact, billing, taxing, and eCommerce information needed for standard processing through Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.
Note: These instructions are limited to National Program fields. See the online documentation for instructions for full instructions for configuring this function.
  1. Select Customer > Setup > Customer.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify a Customer number.
  4. Specify values for the required fields.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In General, specify values for the appropriate fields.
  7. Click the Ordering view.
  8. In the National Program section, specify this information:
    National Program Claim Account
    Select this option to designate that this Customer Setup record represents a National Program Claim Account associated with a Vendor [Manufacturer].
    Claim # Prefix
    Specify a prefix for the claim number. The field has an 10-character limit. For example, np_clm.
    Sequence # Begin
    Specify 1.
    During setup, specify 1. This number is incremented by the system as claims or returns are submitted.
    Specify 99999999. The field has an 8-character limit.
    Return Claim # Prefix
    Specify a prefix for the return claim number. The field has an 10-character limit. For example, np_ret. Ensure that the Allow Returns option is selected in PD Pricing Setup-National Program record.
    Sequence # Begin
    Specify 1.
    During setup, specify 1. This number is incremented by the system as claims or returns are submitted.
    Specify 99999999. The field has an 8-character limit.
  9. Click Save.