Setting up multiple level customer price types

Use these instructions to set up multiple level customer type pricing. As a prerequisite, set up customer price types in SA Table Code Value Setup.

  1. Enable the Customer Type price types.
    1. Select System Administrator > Administration > Administrator Options > Products > Pricing.
    2. Select these options to enable the corresponding pricing levels:
      • Customer Type/Product (Level 3)
      • Customer Type/Product Price And Rebate Type (Level 4)
      • Customer Type (Level 6)
    3. Optionally, select these options in the Options section:
      • Rebate Sub Type

        Select this option to enable Customer Type/Rebate Sub Type (Level 4) pricing. When you select this option, rebate sub type pricing has priority over rebate type pricing.

      • Use Rebate Pricing Records Before Price Type

        Select this option to override the standard pricing hierarchy to prioritize Level 4 Customer Type /Rebate Sub Type and Customer Type/Rebate Type records over Level 4 Product Price Type records.

    4. Click Save.
  2. Modify standard multiple level processing to implement your pricing strategies:
    1. Select System Administrator > Administration > Administrator Options > Products > Multiple Level.
    2. Select these options if applicable:
      • Allow Override of Contractual Level Pricing in Multiple Level Search

        Select this option to search the multiple level pricing records after a Level 1 or 2 contractual pricing record is selected as the system price. If a lower price is found, the multiple level price overrides contractual price.

      • Use Multiple Level Best Price

        Select this option to use the multiple level price even if the system price is lower. If a pricing record is found in Levels 3, 4, or 6 using the multiple level hierarchy, then that price is used. If a pricing record is not found using the multiple level hierarchy, only then is the system price is used. If a pricing record is not found using the multiple level or standard pricing hierarchy, only then is the base or list price is used.

    3. Select one of these values in the Select Multiple Level Customer Type Pricing Based on Level to determine how pricing records are processed within the multiple level hierarchy:

      Levels are searched until a price is found for each customer type. The customer type prices are compared, and the lowest price is then compared to the system price.

      Levels are searched until a price is found for any customer type. If only one price is found for any customer type on a level, then it is compared to the system price. If multiple prices are found on a level, then the lowest price is compared to the system price. If Level 4 is searched, then the sub level hierarchy is ignored.

      Levels are searched using the same method as described for the Level option, except that the sub levels are searched individually per the sub level hierarchy. The sub levels are Product Type, Rebate Type, and, optionally, Rebate Sub Type. The sub level hierarchy depends on the Rebate Sub Type and Use Rebate Pricing Records Before Price Type options in SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing.

    4. Click Save.
  3. Optionally, specify a customer price type on the Ordering tab of Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup records.

    If you do not specify a price type for a customer or ship to, then Levels 3,4, and 6 are skipped in the standard pricing hierarchy is searched for the system price.

  4. Create records in Customer Price Type Setup to associate customers and ship tos with the customer price types you set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.