Setting up a share rebate
A share rebate is a Vendor on Sale rebate in which the vendor reduces your rebate amount if you sell the product for an amount greater than the price set by the vendor. The price is called the Cap Sell Amount.
You can specify a dollar amount for the Cap Sell Amount, or a percentage of a price. If you use a percentage to determine the Cap Sell Amount, the Multiplier field in Vendor Setup-Ordering-Rebates determines the price that is used to calculate the share rebate. If you specify a percentage for the Cap Sell Amount, you can accommodate different prices or fluctuating prices in situations where the rebate record applies to multiple products, such as a Product Line Rebate, or the price changes.
Use these instructions to specify a Multiplier for a vendor and set up a share rebate record. If you do not require a Multiplier value, start with step 6.