Freight rate shopping using the manual method
If your company is not integrated to Infor Rate Shopping - TM to obtain LTL and parcel freight rates, you can still use the Freight Rate Shop function in Sales Order Entry using rate tables you set up and maintain manually. To implement the manual method, define your Ship Via codes in SA Table Code Value Setup. Then, set up freight rate tables for multiple carriers and multiple modes in Sales Freight Rate Setup and Sales Freight Zone Setup. You can set up rate tables for each Ship Via, allowing you to shop for freight rates for an order based on the order’s postal code, warehouse, and weight.
Using the manual freight shopping method, you can access Freight Rate Shop from these functions:
- Sales Order Entry-Taxes & Totals
- Sales Shipping Feedback Entry-Shipping Details
Which of these functions you access may depend upon the stage of the order, or because you may not know the total weight of what is to be shipped until the shipping stage.
In Sales Order Entry, freight rates are displayed for eligible Ship Vias based on the customer’s postal code. You can select a Ship Via and the associated rate, and post that information to your order, or retain the default. The order is shipped based on the Ship Via specified on the order unless you manually change the Ship Via here. The Ship Via is obtained from the Customer Setup record.
You must set up a zone table and a freight rate table for freight rate shopping. The freight rate table associates a zone with a Ship Via and a maximum weight value (amount per pound) for calculating freight rates. The zone table associates a range of postal codes with a zone and might include a warehouse and a Ship Via.
You can also specify freight rates based upon weight limits. Because the tables are not directly tied to any Ship Via, you must enter and maintain the table data manually. Freight rates must be set up for a zone before the zone is used in Sales Freight Zone Setup. If you attempt to enter a zone and there is no freight rate, you receive an invalid zone message.
Freight rates may be influenced by related settings in Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and Customer Billing Setup.