Credit and rebill transactions
A credit and rebill transaction is created when you enter a credit on a Correction (CR) order for an unreturned quantity of product at the price originally specified on the tied order, or a previously corrected price. Then, a debit line, or rebill line, is created for the same unreturned quantity at new price.
The credit line is copied from the original order line. All cost values, except for the replacement cost, from the original order line are set to zero on the credit line.
The rebill line is created automatically, based on the credit line. You can change the price on the rebill line but you cannot change the product, quantity, or unit values.
A credit and rebill transaction differs from a net transaction in which one credit line is entered on the CR and the price is set to the net difference per product required to make the price correction.
For example, suppose you sold a customer 20 products at $10 each but wanted to credit the customer $1 per product. On a credit and rebill transaction, you would create a credit line for 20 products at $10 each ($200) and then rebill the customer for 20 products at $9 ($180) on the debit line. On a net transaction, you would credit the customer for $20.
You can include multiple credit and rebill transactions on one CR order.
Credit and rebill setup
Credit and rebill functionality depends on the Return Adjust Reasons records set up in SA Table Code Value Setup and the CR Order Credit/Rebill Processing field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings. The Return Adjust Reason you specify on the CR determines what information must be specified and the CR Order Credit/Rebill Processing setting determines if rebate and serial information is included in the processing.
On a Return Adjust Reason record inSA Table Code Value Setup , you can select the Credit/Rebill option. When that Return Adjust Reason is selected on a CR, it is processed as a credit and rebill transaction. If you do not select the Credit/Rebill option, you can enter a credit and rebill transaction on a CR but you must enter the rebill line manually.
If you select the Credit/Rebill option, the Require Invoice # on CR option is also selected to ensure that you specify the invoice related to the credit and rebill transaction on the CR. You can select the Require Invoice # on CR option without selecting Credit/Rebill option.
On a Return Adjust Reason record, you can also require that rebate and serial information is processed for credit and rebill transactions. When you select Include Rebates, associated claims can be corrected when rebates are impacted by the sale price of the product. When you select Include Serials, serial numbers can be correctly tied to price corrections. Your vendor might require serial numbers on price change transactions.
You enable credit and rebill functionality in the CR Order Credit/Rebill Processing field. You can enable the tracking of serial numbers, rebates, or both for products on credit and rebill orders. If you select any option other than Do Not Allow Serial and Rebate tracking, then a return reason is required on CR orders.
Previously tied order lines
If a line item is tied to the same original order line on a previous CR, you receive a warning that the line was already corrected, and the associated CR number is displayed. If the original order line is tied to multiple CRs, the most recent CR number is displayed. The warning is informational only.