Original fulfillment orders

You can manually create a fulfillment order in Sales Order Entry. You can also receive a fulfillment order through SX API.

Fulfillment orders are blanket orders that are flagged as fulfillment orders. Blanket orders do not affect product warehouse, customer, and ship to balances. They are not picked, shipped, or invoiced.

When you create a fulfillment order, you select Order Fulfillment in the Order Type field. The order is saved as a blanket order in the entered stage, and flagged as a fulfillment order. When you maintain the order, Blanket Order is displayed in the Order Type field. The order is identified as a fulfillment order in the Header Information panel.

If a blanket order is in Stage 1-Entered, you can change it to a fulfillment order in the Customer Order Settings window. You cannot change the blanket order to a fulfillment order if blanket release orders were created. You cannot release a fulfillment order in Sales Blanket Release Entry.

To change another order type to a fulfillment order, you must copy the order as a fulfillment order. Cancel the order that you copied.

Note: Addons that are an amount are processed differently on fulfillment orders than non-fulfillment blanket orders. On non-fulfillment blanket orders, customer addons that are amounts are changed to a percent, but the percent displays as zero. If the addon is originally a percent, then the percent is displayed. On fulfillment orders, the amount addons are not converted to a percentage, but left as is.

When you enter a line item on a fulfillment order, the Warehouse List is built. If you change the product, unit, or quantity on an existing line, the Warehouse List is deleted and rebuilt.

If the line item is sent to lost business, then the associated fulfillment line records are deleted.

To create tied fulfillment orders, you must submit the fulfillment order. You can submit fulfillment orders that are in the fulfillment stage of Open or eCommerce stage. After submission, the original fulfillment order moves to these stages:

  • Sales order stage of Stage 9-Cancelled
  • Fulfillment stage of Submitted

Notes and line comments on the fulfillment order are copied to the tied fulfillment orders.

Origin Code

You can set up an origin code in SA Table Code Setup to track the origins of tied fulfillment orders. The origin code is added to tied fulfillment orders that are created under these conditions:

  • Automatically submitted when fulfillment orders are received through SX API
  • Manually submitted in Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Fulfillment Inquiry

If an origin code for fulfillment orders is not set up, the default order origin code that is specified in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is used.


The original fulfillment order is included on these reports:

  • Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report

    The original fulfillment order is included in the order notes section of the report and on the pick ticket.

  • Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, Sales Demand Invoices Report, and Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgments Report

    When the fulfillment order is printed, Fulfillment Order is specified on the title of the document. When a tied fulfillment order is printed, the original fulfillment order is included in the order notes section of the report.

  • Sales Order Register Report and Sales Exceptions Report

    The order type of OF denotes an original fulfillment order. The fulfillment orders are not included in the grand totals.

  • Sales Order Audit Report

    A Fulfill column indicates if the order is an original fulfillment order.

  • Sales Order Master List Report

    Fulfillment order information is included in the Other Header Information section.