Credit card details
You can view credit card details from Sales Order Inquiry. In the Header view, expand the Credit Card Details section. The credit cards that are associated with the order are displayed in the grid.
You can set the grid to show only Active transactions, only Inactive transactions, or Both. The items are displayed with the most recent transactions first. If you select Both, the active transactions are displayed in date-descending order above the inactive transactions. This feature is beneficial if you have tendered, untendered, or retendered an order. You can filter out the inactive transactions. Inactive transactions typically have no future use and are only for historical review. Only active transactions affect tendering or future processing.
To view Authorization Details, locate the appropriate order in the grid and expand the record. The details display system information from Distribution SX.e.
Two Response fields show information captured from the credit card processor response file:
- If applicable, the date and time the transaction response was sent
- If applicable, the actual reason codes for denial
These fields are informational only. You can use these fields for audit history or for troubleshooting.