Consolidated invoices
You can create consolidated invoices for these types of orders:
- Orders for customers and ship tos that are set up for invoice consolidation
- Tied fulfillment orders
Customer and ship to orders
Invoices are generated on a per shipment basis but can be consolidated by customer, ship to, purchase order, or order. A consolidated invoice provides a single print of a group of invoices that includes a group total and a new invoice number. The first step in the process is to set up customer records to define the type of consolidation, terms, invoice format, and timing.
One AR transaction is created for each consolidated invoice. A note that includes the invoices is attached to the consolidated invoice. The net amount due is equal to the balance due for the separate invoices and can include credits. The Reference field for the AR transactions for the original invoice is updated with the consolidated invoice number. All sales taxation values remain with the original AR transaction and are not adjustable in cash application after consolidation. After consolidation, these transactions are marked paid, so if you use the paid method of reporting, these transactions are distorted.
To use the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and Sales Demand Invoices Report to print invoices for customers use consolidation, you must specify the order number on a print list. When you run the Sales Consolidated Invoice Report, you can exclude the invoices that have already printed .
You can print consolidated invoices in these formats:
- Standard invoice with information that is printed in order by sales order number. A summary total for the consolidated invoice amounts shows at the bottom of the invoice
- Standard invoice with information that is grouped by product number. Lines are consolidated if the product, price and discount, special price costing, and unit of measurement values are the same. A summary of totals shows at the bottom of the invoice.
You cannot write off overpayment or underpayments for consolidated invoices. The message is displayed if a write-off condition occurs:
Write-off Not Allowed Against a Consolidated Invoice (5511)
To write off a difference, you must enter an RM or CR order for the difference against the original order, not the consolidated order, in Sales Order Entry.
Use caution if you back post in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. For customers set up for consolidated invoicing, the back date must fall within the last and next consolidation date range. If the back date is earlier than the last consolidation date, when Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run, the invoice is printed individually.
When you run the Sales Consolidated Invoice Report, ensure that these conditions are met:
- Each order to include on the report must be in Stage 4-Invoiced.
- The consolidation date for the customer or ship to mus be today or earlier.
- The customer or ship to had no invoice activity since the last Sales Consolidated Invoice Report.
- The customer or ship to consolidates on a monthly basis.
A total count of these customers and ship tos is printed on the exception report under the Orders Consolidated section.
Order Fulfillment
If you use consolidated invoicing for fulfillment orders, tied fulfillment orders are excluded from the standard logic that uses customer and ship to records to determine consolidation. These values are used to determine what fulfillment orders can be consolidated:
- Billing code on fulfillment orders: Determines if the fulfillment order qualifies for release.
- Stage of fulfillment orders: Original fulfillment orders must be
in fulfillment stage of Submitted or Consolidated. If the billing code is a
based percent of shipment, this criteria must be met for tied fulfillment
- Must be in the sales order stage of Stage 4-Invoiced.
- Must meet the percent of shipment. The quantity ordered totals are compared to the invoiced quantity totals to determine what percentage of the total tied fulfillment orders are ready for billing.
If the billing code is Manually Release, all of the tied fulfillment orders that are in the Invoiced stage are consolidated.
- Floorplan customer: If a floorplan customer is specified on a tied fulfillment order, the invoice cannot be consolidated for billing. The invoice is printed individually when the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run.
When a tied fulfillment order is consolidated, the original fulfillment order moves to the fulfillment order stage of Consolidated. After all of the tied fulfillment orders are consolidated, the original fulfillment order moves to the Complete stage.
When tied fulfillment orders are consolidated a note is attached to the original fulfillment order. The note includes the consolidated order number and the consolidated date. The original fulfillment order number is included on the tied fulfillment order.
If multiple consolidations are performed against an original fulfillment order, a new consolidated order number is generated for each consolidation. The original fulfillment order and the consolidated tied fulfillment orders are included in the note that is attached to the new consolidated order.
Single Fulfillment Order Processed/Printed Through Consolidated Invoicing