Entering a Return Merchandise order
Use these instructions to enter a Return Merchandise (RM) order when a customer returns items from an invoiced or paid order.
Your company may have a policy requiring that all or certain types of returns are tied to the original order or invoice. This may be enforced at the Return Reason level in SA Table Code Value Setup-Return Adjust Reason.
On a return, you can specify an invoice number to create a credit memo (CM) for the invoice. If the Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option in Sales Order Entry is selected, you can specify an invoice that is in the invoiced stage. The credit is automatically applied to that invoice. You must enter an RM for each credit memo you want to create. The invoice number must be for a stock order (SO), counter sale (CS), blanket release (BR), or direct order (DO) order that has been invoiced. If you do not specify an invoice number, a miscellaneous credit (MC) is created.
If the order has not been processed in Sales Entry Invoice Processing
Report and no invoice is created, you can still tie the RM to the original
order on the Return Details window. You must have authorization to
Allow Returns in Shipped Stage
in SA Administration
Authorization Security Setup.
If the customer is returning items on a CS or SO, follow the instructions for handling returns on a CS or SO.
If the customer returns the whole or most of the order, use the Copy function in Sales Order Entry to copy the original order to a Return Merchandise (RM) order. Then, make adjustments.