Back Order Limit
To use the back order limit feature, specify a back order limit on customer and ship to records. The back order limit is applied to each sales order, but you can override the default value in Sales Order Entry. You can only specify a back order limit if back orders are allowed for the customer, ship to, or sales order.
The back orders that are created before the final back order must meet the threshold criteria set up in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders to be processed.
Customer and ship to records
When you manually create a customer record, the default value in the Back Order Limit field is 0. The default value indicates that there is no limit. You can specify a value up to 98. When you manually create a ship to record, the default value in the Back Order Limit field is based on the associated customer record. If you copy a customer or ship to record to create a new record, the back order value is copied to the new record.
The back order limit can also be defined when customer and ship to records are created and maintained through these automated processes:
- Customer Maintenance SX.API call
- SA Mass Maintenance Administration
- Data Conversion reports
If back orders are not allowed on an existing record, the back order limit cannot be updated through SX.API calls or Data Conversion reports.
The CustomerPartyMaster and ShipToPartyMaster BODs do not contain a field that is related to back order limits. Records that created through the BODs retain the default value of 0.
The back order limit is displayed in the Pricing Details section of Customer Inquiry-General. It is also included on the Customer Master List Report and Customer Ship To Master List Report.
Sales orders
When a sales order is first created, the default value from the customer or ship to record is use on the order. It is displayed in the Back Order Limit field on the Customer Order Settings page. You can change the default back order limit to a value between 0-98. The value must be greater than or equal to the suffix of the order.
When you change the back order limit for an order, change the value on the latest order suffix. For example, if an order has suffixes -00 through -04, change the back order limit on order -04. The back order limits on the prior orders are not updated.
If the Back Order Limit field is available for entry, these events occur if you change the back order limit to the same number as the last suffix:
- The disposition of the order changes to Ship Complete.
- The Line Ship Complete option for each line item is selected if the line item is not a direct or return line.
If the order meets one of these conditions, the Back Order Limit field is read-only and you cannot change the value:
- The order disposition is Ship Complete or Just in Time.
- The Allow Back Orders option is not selected.
- The transaction type is Direct Order, Return Merchandise, or Correction.
On stock orders and counter sale orders, you can take these actions to make the Back Order Limit field available for entry:
- Change the disposition of the order to None.
If you remove Ship Complete as the header-level disposition for an order, the Line Ship Complete option for each line item is cleared if the line item is not a direct or return line.
- Select the Allow Back Orders option.
A back order limit field is included on these inbound electronic transactions:
- SalesOrder BOD
- sxapiOEFullOrderMntV6
- sxapiOEOrderChange
The back order limit in an electronic transaction is used when a sales order is are created or updated. If a back order limit is not included in the electronic transaction when the order is created, the default value from the customer or ship to record is used on the sales order. If a back order limit is not included in the electronic transaction when the order is updated, the back order limit on the order remains unchanged.
The back order limit is displayed on pick tickets and in the Order Controls section of Sales Order Inquiry-Header. It is also included on the Sales Master List Report.
Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report
When you run the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report, the back order limit from the sales order is used if the limit value is not zero. If the current back order suffix is equal to the back order limit, the order header disposition of that suffix is changed to Ship Complete.
Because suffixes for blanket releases might be non-sequential, the back order number on the line is used to determine the number of back orders against a specific release.
The back order limit is exceeded by one back order if these conditions are met:
- The back order limit is specified or updated on an existing customer or ship to record.
- Orders with suffixes equal to or greater then exist
The order disposition for the additional back order is set to Ship Complete.
Copying a sales order with a back order limit
If you change the customer or ship to on the new order, the back order limit from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup record is used on the new order. If you maintain the customer or ship to from the original order, the back order limit from the original order is copied to the new order.