Accurate ship dates on direct sales orders
A direct sales orders can be updated with the ship date of the tied direct purchase orders when the direct purchase order is received. Typically, you receive a direct purchase order when you receive the vendor invoice.
You can receive a vendor invoice through these methods:
- Manually in Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- Electronically through Process SupplierInvoice BODs and
sxapiAPInvoiceImport calls
Invoices that are received electronically create records in Vendor Invoice Center Entry without user intervention.
The Ship Date for Tied Order field is available on the PO Header Entry page when you update header information for direct purchase orders in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. The TiedOEShipDate value in the Process SupplierInvoice BOD and the sxapiAPInvoiceImport call updates the Ship Date for Tied Order field when an invoice is received electronically.
To receive direct purchase orders, you must select the Receive DO PO option when the final update is performed on a vendor invoice in these functions:
- Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report
After the purchase order is received, the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report runs automatically. The value in the Ship Date for Tied Order field updates the header ship date on the direct sales order when back order fill runs. You can view the ship date for a sales order in these functions:
- Sales Order Inquiry: Shipped Date column in the Orders grid
- Sales Shipping Feedback Entry: Header tab on the Shipping Details page
The Ship Date for Tied Order is included on the PO Master List Report in the Other Header Information section.
Because you can create direct order lines on a non-direct sales order, you can receive multiple direct purchase orders against one direct sales order. When this situation occurs, the ship date for the first direct purchase order that is received updates the direct sales order. To determine the ship date of a direct line on a sales order, view the tied direct purchase order in Purchase Order Inquiry. The information is in the Ship Date Information on the Header tab.
Feature activation
You must activate this feature for BODs or SXAPI calls. You must create the Update OEEH Ship Date from Incoming Data business rule in SA Business Rule Setup, and specify Yes for the Rule Value . The template is provided in SA Table Code Value Setup. Use of the Ship Date for Tied Order field in Vendor Invoice Center Entry does not require activation.
If the business rule is not set up, the receipt date of the direct purchase order is used to update the direct sales order. This receipt date is also used if one of these conditions is met:
- The business rule is set up, but the BOD or API call does not contain a ship date.
- A ship date was not specified in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.