Creating a split to backorder release

When a customer requests that a portion of an order be shipped immediately, and only a portion of the order is in stock, you can move the remainder of the order to a back order. This action is called splitting the release, and it is performed in Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Back Order Entry.

You can access Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder Entry directly or through Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. If you use Sales Shipping Feedback Entry to access the function, click Quick Ship, specify the order number, and then click Split to Back Order.

  1. Select Sales > Entry > Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder.
  2. Specify search criteria, and then click Search.
  3. Select the order in the grid, and then click Split to Backorder.
  4. To ship a line, specify the quantity to ship in the Qty Shipped column.
  5. To back order a line or a portion of a line, specify the quantity to backorder in the Qty B/O column.

    Alternately, select one of more lines and then click Back Order All. The value in the Qty B/O column is set to the shipped quantity, and the value in the Qty Shipped column is changed to zero.

  6. Modify any shipping information in the Header tab.
  7. On the Line Items tab, click Save to create a backorder.
    If you changed the shipped quantity, the quantity backordered is calculated as Quantity Ordered - Quantity Shipped.
    If you changed the quantity backordered, the quantity shipped is calculated as Quantity Ordered - Quantity Backordered.
    If you did not change the shipped or backordered quantity, the quantity shipped is set to 0, and the quantity backordered is updated with the quantity ordered.
  8. If you accessed Sales Shipping Feedback Split to Backorder Entry from Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, you are returned to the entry screen where you can ship the original order.