Weight calculation for Freight Rate Shop
You can view the weight of an order on the Freight Rate Shop page in Sales Order Entry. To access the page, click on the Taxes & Totals page. The total weight of the order is the sum of the weights of line items.
The Order Weight is the sum of the weights of ordered line items. The Ship Weight is the sum of the weights of shippable line items. The difference between the two weights represents the back-ordered quantity weight. Do not change a weight value unless you are certain of the weight.
If the Freight Free option is selected in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General, then the product is excluded from the calculations.
For a stock product, the weight is specified in the Logistics section in Product Setup-General. For a nonstock product, the weight is specified in the Logistics section in Product Catalog Setup-General. If a product on the order does not have a weight record, and the Freight Free option is not selected, then this message is displayed: Warning Product With No Weight (8078) Lines: # of lines