Credit and rebill transaction data
To create a credit and rebill transaction on a Correction (CR) order, you must specify a Return Adjust Reason that supports credit and rebill transactions. This reason also determines the information that is required on the order.
Header-level data
You must specify the Return Adjust Reason on the header-level Correction window if the CR Order Credit/Rebill Processing field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders is set to any option other than Do Not Allow Serial and Rebate tracking. Specify a Return Adjust Reason that supports credit and rebill transactions. Because all lines on a Correction order must use the same reason, this value is required.
If the Require Invoice # on CR option is selected on the Return Adjust Reason record, you must specify the Invoice # for the original order at the header level. The invoice must be for the same customer specified on the CR order. The invoice number you specify at the header level is the default value at the line level, but you can change it.
You can override the invoice requirement if you are assigned the Return Reason Requires Invoice on CR authorization point in SA Authorization Security Administration. Otherwise, you must be granted the authority to perform the override in SA Grant Authorization Administration.
The Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option determines if you can specify an invoice in the Invoiced or Paid stage. If the Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option is selected, you can only specify an invoice in the Invoiced stage. The credit is automatically applied to that invoice. If the Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option is not selected, you can specify an invoice in the Invoiced or Paid stage. Credit is then applied through manual accounts receivable processing.
The Auto Apply Credit to Original Invoice option only affects the Invoice # field on the header-level Correction window. It does not affect the Corrected Invoice # field at the line level.
Line-level data
If the Return Adjust Reason specified at the header level requires an invoice number, you must tie the CR order lines to lines on invoices with the same product in the line-level Corrections window. You can create these line-level ties even if the Return Adjust Reason does not require it.
You can use that invoice you specified at the header level or specify another invoice that meets these criteria:
- The order must be in the system and not canceled (Stage 9).
- The order must be in the invoiced (Stage 4) or Paid (Stage 5).
- The order must be for the Customer specified on the Initiate window of the CR.
- The order must be a stock order, direct order, counter sale, or blanket release order.
to look up orders in the Invoiced and Paid stage for the customer and shipto on the order and the product on the order line.The information that you specify at the line level updates the OEELCR table. The data from the table is used to calculate the corrected price and unreturned quantity of the product.
As in the header, you can override this invoice requirement if you are assigned the Return Reason Requires Invoice on CR authorization point in SA Authorization Security Administration. Otherwise, you must be granted the authority to perform the override in SA Grant Authorization Administration.