Restrictions for copying orders

Many system restrictions apply when you copy orders. Taxes, discounts, back orders, divisionalized accounting, and other data are affected when orders are copied.


When an order is copied, taxes are recalculated based on the customer record. If rates have changed since the original order or quote was entered, then the new rates are used. Tax recalculation also applies to orders that are copied to return merchandise (RM) orders. To use the taxes from the original order, you must override the taxes calculated on the RM order on the Taxes and Totals view.


The Override option for a discount on a terms record in SA Table Code Value Setup determines whether discount override by line item is allowable. If this option is not selected, then you cannot copy the order to a customer whose customer record allows discount override by line item. You can copy an order from a customer with line-based terms to a customer with order-based terms.

Back Orders

Any back orders on the original order are not copied to the new order. If the Net Available amount in Product Warehouse Product Setup cannot cover the quantity ordered on the new order, then a new back order might be created. Back order creation depends on the Allow Back Order option in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup. Back orders also depend upon the stage back orders are created, which is based on the Create OE Back Orders At Which Stage field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.

Division Number

If you use divisionalized accounting, then the copied order might not contain a division number. Or, it might contain a division number that is not valid for the customer. In both cases, the cursor is placed in the New Order is for Customer # or Warehouse field during Sales Order Entry-Copy. This selection is based on the Division # Default From field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings. You must specify a valid division number on the Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, or Product Warehouse Description Setup record before you can proceed.

Lost Business

Canceling an order does not remove the order from the system. The order is moved to Stage 9-Canceled, and you can still access it through inquiries. When you copy a canceled order, the lost business lines are converted to active sales lines on the new order. If an active order contains canceled lines, then the canceled lines are not copied to the new order.