If you use Direct Order Return feature, use these
instructions to copy a sales order to create a direct order return. All lines on the
sales order are copied. To create a direct order return with select lines from a sales
order, you must enter a new direct order return.
Select .
Click Copy.
Specify this information, and then click Continue:
- Copy Type
Select Single Order. You cannot create a
direct order return from multiple orders.
- Order # to Process
Specify the order to copy. You can specify a direct sales order
or a stock order.
- Convert To
Select Return
- Return Adjust Reason
Select a return adjust reason that is set up as a vendor return
type in SA Table Code Value Setup.
- Direct Order
Select this option to indicate that the new order is a direct
order return.
If required, update information on the New Order
Information page.
Click Sourcing.
Specify the purchase order information, and then click Submit.
The sourcing information that you specify at the header level is copied to
each line on the order.
Click Submit on the New
Order Information page again to create the direct order return
and the tied direct purchase order return.