Optional kit components
Options allow you to select components from a list and add them to a kit. For example, suppose a component for a door assembly is a glass panel. You can have various glass options for the door set up in an option list. When the order is entered, the appropriate glass panel can be selected from the list based on the customer’s wishes. The option can be required for the kit. If each door must have a glass panel, one must be selected from the option list when the order is entered.
You can enter an option with a negative quantity. You can use a negative quantity to set up an option that can be removed from the kit under certain circumstances. For example, one of the components of a refrigeration unit is a motor unit, which may also be sold as a separate unit. When it is sold separately, it requires a ½" belt. When it is sold as part of the kit, it requires a ¾" belt. The ½" belt would be set up as a negative optional component.