Work order stages
A work order is the document that specifies which components are to be removed from inventory and assembled into a prebuilt kit. You can generate a work order through KP Work Order Center Entry, from the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report when inventory quantities trigger replenishment or special orders need to be filled, and from Sales Order Entry when you tie a customer’s line item to a specific work order.
Each existing work order has an associated stage code that is stored with a numeric value:
- 1 - Ordered
- 2 - Printed
- 3 - Built
- 9 - Canceled
When a work order is initially created in KP Work Order Center Entry, it is in Stage 1, Ordered. At that time, the Product Warehouse Product Setup On Order balance for the kit product increases by the quantity indicated on the work order. The Product Warehouse Product Setup Reserved balances for the kit components increases by the quantity required to build the number of kits on the work order, thus reducing the Net Available quantity for the component.
After the work order is printed, the stage advances to Stage 2, Printed, and the Product Warehouse Product Setup Committed quantity for the component increases as the Reserved quantity is decreased.
Stage 1 Ordered |
Component Reserved Increased Kit On Order Increased |
Stage 2 Printed |
Component Committed Increased Component Reserved Decreased |
Stage 3 Completed |
Component On Hand, Committed, or Reserved Decreased Kit On Hand Increased Kit On Order Decreased Negative Component On Hand Increased |
Stage 9 Canceled |
Component Net Available Increased Component Committed or Reserved Decreased Kit On Order Decreased |
When you cancel a work order, it moves to Stage 9, Canceled. Depending on whether the work order has been printed or not, the Product Warehouse Product Setup Committed or Reserved balances are updated. If you delete a work order, balances are updated in the same manner as when a work order is canceled. The stage in this situation is not applicable, because the work order no longer exists in your records.
After the prebuilt kits are assembled, you can complete the process in KP Work Order Center Entry by opening a journal and accepting the work orders. When you accept the work order, it is updated to Stage 3, Built. The Product Warehouse Product Setup On Hand balance for the components is reduced, and the Committed/Reserved balance is reduced, depending on whether the work order was printed or not. The Product Warehouse Product Setup On Hand balance for the kit increases and the On Order balance decreases.
If you choose not to print the work orders, the Product Warehouse Product Setup Reserved quantity is reduced.
These are the functions you use to advance a kit through the work order stages:
KP Work Order Center Entry and KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report
- Component On Order - Increased
- Kit Reserved - Increased
KP Entry Print Work Orders Report
- Component Reserved - Decreased
- Kit Reserved - Decreased
- Kit Committed - Increased
KP Work Order Center Entry
- Component On Hand - Increased
- Component On Order - Decreased
- Kit On Hand - Increased
- Kit On Hand - Decreased
- Kit Committed (if WO printed )- Decreased
- Kit Reserved (if WO not printed) - Decreased