Kit replenishment
Build-on-demand kits
Build-on-demand kits are not replenished. If there are insufficient quantities of the components required to build the kit, you can replenish the components by creating a tied purchase order, warehouse transfer, or KP work order in Sales Order Entry or using the Recommended Replenishment Action Report process.
A build-on-demand kit does not have ordering controls. If a component is out of stock, the entire kit is back-ordered until the component is received. The components that are in stock are reserved. A pick ticket prints for the entire kit when the missing component or components are received if the Print Pick Tickets? option is Yes in Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report.
Prebuilt kits
Prebuilt kits are replenished according to the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) of the kit. If the ARP is Kit, work orders are created through the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders Report.
When the work order is printed, the number of kits to assemble and the number of each component to pull from stock to complete the job is calculated. If the current quantity goes to Order Point/Min, a work order is created to build the necessary quantity to bring the quantity to Line Point/Max. The components are reserved immediately and the stock available for sale is reduced. If there is an insufficient quantity of any component to fill the order, the demand balance in Product Warehouse Product Setup Balances for the component is increased until the inventory is replenished and the remainder of the order can be fulfilled. When you set the report to create work orders, option 1, reserved quantity--or demand quantity, if insufficient quantity is available--for the component record is increased.
When the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders report is generated, the Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records are checked to determine that the kit product is an active product and that it is not a BOD kit. Then, the prebuilt kit's Net Available quantity is compared to Line Point/Max quantity. The Net Available quantity is calculated using this calculation:
On Hand minus Reserved minus Committed minus Back Order plus On Order plus Received minus Demand = Kit Net Available
If the Net Available quantity is equal to or greater than the Line Point/Max quantity, the quantity is considered sufficient and the record is not be included on the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders report. If the Net Available is less than the Line Point/Max quantity on the Product Warehouse Product Setup-Ordering record, a quantity to build is included on the KP Entry Recommended Work Orders report. This quantity is equal to the Line Point/Max minus the Net Available quantity.
Fabricated kits
Fabricated kits are not normally stocked. A sales order kit request with a full warehouse transfer tie initiates the warehouse transfer and work order build process. If there are insufficient quantities of the components required to build the kit, you can replenish the components by creating a tied purchase order, warehouse transfer, or KP work order in KP Entry Work Order Center or using the Recommended Replenishment Action Report process.
When you enter an order for a fabricated kit in Sales Order Entry, product availability displays are relevant to the sales order warehouse inventory quantities. Fabricated kits may be available if a sales order was canceled after kit fabrication was complete or if kits have been fabricated in anticipation of sales.