Inventory value change
When an order point adjuster is applied, the product’s inventory value is affected. The buyer should review these inventory value changes to ensure they are within acceptable limits. An exception is created by the Product Administration Month End Processing Report for inventory value changes.
You can review the exceptions in Product Exception Center Administration if Yes is selected for Inventory Value in .
You can use the Value Change Inquiry function in the Product Exception Center Administration to view inventory value changes. You can view the total inventory value changed by warehouse, by product rank, and by adjuster type, such as threshold minimum, ASQ, or 5-Hi. The total difference between the Product Administration Month End Processing Report's calculated order point, the raw order point, and the adjuster’s order point is shown. This amount represents the amount by which inventory is increased the next time the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report is run.
You can view the raw and adjusted order and line points for products on the Purchase Buyers Threshold Report. The report can be generated for each buyer to list products with minimum thresholds as defined in Product Replenishment Setup, and where order and line point values have been adjusted.