Order-as-needed products
Order-as-needed (OAN) products are not stocked in your warehouse, but they have Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records. These products may have been stocked at one time, but because of low usage patterns, they were discontinued from stock but are still offered for sale. They usually do not have an available balance because they are immediately committed to an open order as soon as they are received.
OAN products are designated in Product Warehouse Product Setup by selecting in the Status field. If you change the status of an existing product to Order As Needed, you can clear any existing ordering controls to ensure that the product is treated as surplus. A product with ordering controls may not show up as surplus inventory and be handled correctly.
You can also assign a status of Order as needed-Nonstk (OAN-NS). This status is identical to Order as needed except that an additional nonstock type flag is set internally to distinguish this product from a regular OAN product. Order-as-needed - Nonstock products can be created in Sales Order Entry when you specify a Nonstock line type on a Stock Order or Quote Order and set the Item Selection field to Create As OAN-NS in the Non Stock window.
When you create an OAN-NS in Sales Order Entry, you can use an existing Product Catalog Setup record's defaults, or create it as a true nonstock. If you use the catalog record's defaults, the Product Catalog Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records are created using default values from Product Catalog Setup, such as prices and costs, rebate type, cube, and weight. If you do not use the catalog record if it is available, you have access to set these defaults in the Nonstock window and salesĀ order line.
OAN and OAN-NS products can also be created in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry when you move nonstock products to inventory. You can change the status of existing products to OAN-NS, or any other status, in Product Exception Processing Administration - Mass Update.
Order-as-needed products are handled in the same manner as special products during order entry. The Line Type field changes to Special when you specify an OAN product. If you change the line type, you receive a warning that all defaults are reset.
You can inactivate order-as-needed products after there is no more quantity available to sell and all transactions in the system are processed. Use the SA Administration Inactive Product Removal Report to inactivate OAN and OAN-NS products. If you decide later that you want to sell an inactivated OAN-NS product you can re-activate during Sales Order Entry. Regular OAN products must be reactivated manually in Product Setup.
These options in SA Operator Setup-Entry Options determine if an operator can create an OAN-NS product in Sales Order Entry or change the status of a product to OAN-NS:
- Allow OAN-NS Stocking in OE From Catalog - Select Allow OAN-NS Stocking from Catalog, Allow OAN-NS Stocking From Non Stock, or Allow OAN-NS Stocking From Both Cat/NS
- Allow Chg/Copy of ICSW Status for OAN-NS
- Allow the Creation of OAN-NS During Quote Entry