Core setups
These setups are required for remanufactured core products. Review and correct your setups before you enter orders.
Administrative options
- In SA Administrator Option-Products-Cores, these setup are
- Default product number for assigning implied core charge and dirty core product numbers to remanufactured core product records
- Default grace periods for vendors and customers
- Types of grace periods
- If a vendor assesses a core charge, the costs that default to purchase orders is based on the Cost Used for Vendor PO Cost on Implied/Dirty Cores, Vendor Core Chg Yes option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. The cost that is selected is applied to the appropriate cost recorded in Product Warehouse Product Setup records for implied core costs and dirty core products that are entered on purchase orders.
Product setups
- You can set up records to establish unique defaults for customer grace periods in Product Customer Grace Period Setup, which establishes the hierarchy that determines the number of days or months until a customer can no longer return a dirty core product. The hierarchy is used to determine an expiration date, which is recalculated when you invoice the order and is based on the invoice date. If a valid record cannot be found to recalculate the customer’s expiration date, the Product Setup default settings are used.
- The Cores & Configurator view in Product Setup is used to set up core product records. IfRemanufactured Product, Implied Core, or Dirty Core is selected in the Product Type field, different system logic is applied for processing transactions. The remanufactured core product represents the product that you purchase from the vendor for resale. An implied core cost, which is set up as a labor product for tracking purposes, always accompanies the remanufactured product on transactions, whether the vendor charges for the core or not. The dirty core product represents the physical core that the customer returns against the implied core charge, and which you return to the vendor for credit.
- The Vendor Core Charge option on Product Line Setup determines which SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs option is used for implied core charges and dirty core products. When this option is selected, the vendor charges for cores. You must specify a product line on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record to link the core products to this field.
- A record for the remanufactured, implied core charge, and dirty core products must be set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup.
General Ledger account setups
- You must set up General Ledger account records for Customer Core Due, Customer Core
Liability, Vendor Core Liability, Core Variance, and Core Conversion. You must then
specify the account numbers these functions:
- Product GL Distribution Setup-Balance Sheet Accounts. The Core Conversion account is set up on the Income Statement Accounts list.
- SA Operator Setup-Other Options-General Ledger