Using Event Manager to manage nonstock inventory
Use Event Manager to notify individuals in your organization when order ties are created or broken or when a nonstock item should be reviewed for conversion to stock.
These Event Manager events help you track order line item ties:
- OE Line Item Has a Tie (oe-tiedorderline) - This event is triggered when you tie a line item to a purchase order or warehouse transfer and is useful to track changes in line item ties.
- OE Broken PO/WT/VA Tie (oe-brokentie) - This event is triggered when you clear a tie and there is an existing tie remaining on the purchase order, warehouse transfer, or fabrication order back to the Sales Order Entry line item.
- OE Can/Del With PO Still There (oe-candeltiedpoord) - This event informs you when a sales order is canceled or deleted and there is a purchase order still tied to it.
- OE Can/Delete With WT Still There (oe-candeltiedwtord) - This event informs you when a sales order is canceled or deleted and there is a warehouse transfer still tied to it.
- OE Can/Del With PO Still There (oe-lncandeltiedpo) - This event informs you when a sales order line is canceled or deleted and it is tied to a purchase order.
- OE Can/Del With WT Still There (oe-lncandeltiedwt) - This event informs you when a sales order line is canceled or deleted and it is tied to a warehouse transfer.
- OE Nonstock Line Item No Sourcing Info (oe-nonstocknosrce) - This informs you when a nonstock is entered on a sales order line without the vendor number or product line.
- OE Non Stock No Tie/Force Ship (oe-lnnsnotieqty) - This event informs you when a
nonstock product is force shipped in Sales Order Entry or
Sales Shipping Feedback Entry and there is no tie to a source
document. Note: This trigger also exists for SW SRO Transaction Entry, VA Order Entry, and Transfer Entry.
During Sales Order Entry, your customer service rep can flag a nonstock item as a product to review for moving into stocked inventory. This Event Manager event notifies your buyer to review a nonstock for inventory:
- OE Non Stock Review For Inventory (oe-nonstockrevinv) - This event is triggered when you select the Review For Inventory option on the Nonstock view during Sales Order Entry. After your buyer or inventory manager receives notification, the nonstock product can be converted to regular inventory and be included in their regular review of products for replenishment.
There are many other events that can be activated that monitor nonstocks.