Assigning an alternate product group to a stock or catalog product
You can assign an alternate product group to a stock or catalog product in Product Setup, Product Catalog Setup, or Product Adjust Non-Stock/Direct Order Entry. This setting is optional. The value you specify in the Alternate Product Group field is validated against the alternate product group codes set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Only valid values are permitted.
In Product Setup and Product Catalog Setup, the Alternate Product Group field is located in the General view. You can specify an alternate product group when you create or maintain a record in these functions.
If you are changing nonstock products into stock products in Product Adjust Non-Stock/Direct Order Entry, the Alternate Product Group field is on the Non Stock Inventory Defaults page. This page is displayed after you click or . If an alternate product group setting is already specified, the value originates from the Product Catalog Setup record. You can accept or change the setting. If you are creating a newProduct Setup record, the alternate product group you specify here is included. If a Product Setup record already exists, the alternate product group value is not updated.
To verify that alternate product groups were assigned to the required products, search product records in Product Catalog Setup or Product Warehouse Product Setup. In Product Warehouse Product Setup, use the Advanced Search to find product records for vendors that require an alternate product group in electronic communications. In both functions, the alternate product group information is displayed in the Alternate Product Group column in the Catalog Product grid.