Inventory control sets
Sets consist of two records. One record to establish the existence of the nonstock or direct order, and another record to track all history against it. The set provides information on each nonstock and direct order item processed. The set remains active until it balances, both on a quantity basis and cost posted to General Ledger basis.
A transparent header record that shows product and related information is created when these events occur:
- A nonstock or direct order item is received in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry
- A Return Merchandise (RM) order is invoice processed in the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report
Detailed information about the transaction is stored in a transparent line record, which is attached to the transparent header record. Two or more transparent line records can be attached to the transparent header record. Together, the detailed information and header record is referred to as a set.
A set is considered active when there is a cost or quantity balance. You must consider active sets when balancing your inventory. The set of information stays active until both the cost and quantity are in balance. When a set balances, it can be closed or deleted. Process the Product Nonstock/Direct Order Report regularly to identify open sets and their quantity balances.
Inactive sets do not have cost or quantity balances. If Purge NS/DO After Closing is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, sets are purged when they become inactive. You cannot print them with the Product Nonstock/Direct Order Report. If Purge NS/DO After Closing is not selected, closed sets are archived. If you keep your inactive sets, this can become a year-to-date nonstock and direct order item report.