Special products
When a customer orders an unusually large quantity of a stocked product, enter the product as a special product if you do not want to affect your usage or stock levels.
For example, a customer requests 4000 of one of your most popular stock items. If you enter a regular line item, your entire supply of the item would be depleted, causing back orders for several other customers, and your usage would be unrealistically doubled. Instead, enter the stock product as special product by selecting Special in the Line Type field in Sales Order Entry. When you initially enter the special order, the Usage Rate and Net Available amounts in Product Warehouse Product Setup are not affected. The Back Ordered amount is increased by the amount of the order to indicate the demand for this product.
To ensure the order is fulfilled, tie the special product line to a purchase order or warehouse transfer in the Sourcing window of Sales Order Entry. Otherwise, it is included in the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report or Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report. If the line is tied to a PO or WT, the merchandise is automatically allocated to the line item when it is received.