Product special handling
You can select special handling codes for a product with the Special Handling tab in Product Setup. The special handling codes available in the grid are set up in the Special Handling table in SA Table Code Value Setup. These special handling codes can be used to define product characteristics that affect packaging and shipment requirements. For example, you may create a special handling code that specifies a dry ice packaging requirement.
If a special handling code applies to the product, then the shipment-related settings from the sales order or warehouse transfer are validated against those records. When an invalid shipment is found on a sales order, the order is placed on hold using the hold code specified in SA Administrator Options-Products-Product Restrictions. If active special handling codes are found during Sales Order Entry, and if overrides are allowed for the record, the operator may override the special handling requirements in Advanced Line Entry to avoid the hold. Warehouse transfers are not placed on hold. External shipping application integrations do not validate against the product shipping restriction records.
Details for special handling, product shipping restrictions, and product shipping restrictions overrides are included in the Sales Order Master List Report and Transfer Master List Report.