Analyzing usage

When you analyze usage, you are comparing the effectiveness of your usage control methods.

  1. Select Product > Administration > ICA Reports > Usage Rate Analysis. Run a one-time report or a stored report, and make note of the report number that is assigned to this report.
  2. Select Product > Administration > Analyze Usage Rate - Product.
  3. Specify the report number from the Product Administration Usage Rate Analysis Report , and then click Search.
  4. To assign a new usage control method, select the products and then click Select Method.
  5. Select the method inthe New Method field.
  6. Indicate if you want to apply the method to all selected products or to all products except those that have already been assigned a new method.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To view details about a product, click the drill down icon. Click the appropriate view. If you make changes on a view, click Update. Close the details window when you are finished..
    • Methods: Use to compare the current usage rate calculation to those specified in the Product Administration Usage Rate Analysis Report.
    • Usage History: Use to view current ordering control information
    • Required: Use to update ARP information for this product
    • Ordering: Use to update ordering information for this product
  9. If you made changes, view them in the New Method column on the Product Administration Usage Rate Update Entry page. Click Final Updateto update usage rate methods.
  10. Click Yes or No to indicate if you want to update ordering controls.