Managing bulk products
Use the Bulk Delivery module to manage non-durable, bulk products such as motor oil that is stored in tanks or other storage devices.
This module is useful if your company supports these scenarios:
- You own and replenish storage devices such as tanks
- Your customer owns or purchases the storage device and contracts with you to replenish its contents
- You must track the quantity of material in storage devices owned by you or your customer
- You must replenish the material in each storage device, including scheduling delivery of bulk material
The Bulk Delivery module includes these functions to manage bulk products:
- Bulk product setup:
- BD Tank Master Setup
- BD Truck Master Setup
Product Setup and Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup are also used to identify a product as a bulk delivery item.
- Replenishing bulk products:
- BD Administrator Tank Calculations Report
- BD Demand Center Entry
- BD Entry Recommended Tank Replenishment Report
You can also create one-off orders for bulk products in Sales Order Entry.
- Delivering bulk product:
- BD Load Center Entry
- BD Entry Print Documents: Driver Card, Load Sheet, Meter Ticket
Sales Entry Shipping Feedback and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report update orders for bulk delivery products after the bulk product is delivered.
- BD Entry TWL Update Report
Use this report to update inventory quantities and transaction records after invoicing for bulk products stored in a TWL warehouse.
Products defined as bulk are managed primarily within the Bulk Delivery module, with some exceptions. Sales orders created for bulk items can be created in Sales Order Entry or BD Demand Center Entry. After a sales order is created, orders are assigned to delivery trucks and bulk products are scheduled for delivery in BD Load Center Entry. The picking and packing process is skipped in both regular warehouses and TWL warehouses. After bulk products are delivered, you use Sales Entry Shipping Feedback Report to record the delivered quantities. This sets the orders’ stage so it can be invoiced processed in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. After invoice processing, any TWL-controlled bulk product quantities are updated.
Replenishment of bulk products is managed using BD Administrator Tank Calculations Report and BD Demand Center Entry.