Product sourcing restriction validation
The order in which product records and sourcing documents are validated against product sourcing restriction records is based on the restriction type specified on the restriction records. The hierarchy is Product (PR), Product Line (PL), and then Product Category (PC).
Validation processing occurs under these circumstances:
- A sourcing document, such as a purchase order or warehouse transfer, is created at the line level in Sales Order Entry or for an inventory component in the Line Items section of VA Order Entry. This includes creating a purchase order for a nonstock product.
- A sourcing document is created at the line level by the SXAPI OEFullOrderMnt call. If a restriction applies to the sourcing document, the sourcing document is not created. An EDI line item error record is created, and the sales order is placed on electronic hold (e-hold). The error can be viewed in the Electronic Transaction Control Center.
- A line is added or changed in Purchase Order
Entry or Transfer Entry, or on a
Recommended Replenishment Action Report in Purchase Order
Demand Center Entry or Transfer Demand Center
Products selected from the Shopping List in Purchase Order Demand Center Entry are validated before they are added to the report. Because multiple lines can be added to the report simultaneously, a line item that generates a restriction error is not added to the report.
- A Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report or Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report is run. Before a line is added to a report, it is validated against the restriction record. If a line item generates a restriction error, it is not added to the report. The error is included in the Exceptions section of the report.
- A purchase order is created in Purchase Order Entry or a warehouse transfer is created in Transfer Entry using the Excel Import function. If a line generates a restriction error, the line is not added to the order.
- A purchase order is created by the SXAPI POPuchaseOrderMnt call. If a restriction applies to a line, the line is not created.
- A Product Warehouse Product Setup record is created or updated.
If Vendor is selected in the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) field and the vendor specified matches a restriction record, an error occurs. If the ARP is Warehouse or Central Warehouse, and the ARP warehouse specified matches a restriction record, an error occurs. You can save the product record by changing the value that caused the error.
- A Product Catalog Setup record is created or updated.
Because Product Catalog Setup records do not contain an Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) type, this record is validated against the sourcing restriction records that are based on the vendor number. If the vendor that is specified matches a restriction record, an error occurs. You can save the product record by changing the vendor.
Note: Although Product Catalog Setup records are not company-specific, some settings on the record, such as vendor and product category,are company-specific. Only the restrictions set up in the company that the user is signed into are applied to Product Catalog Setup records. - A Product Warehouse Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup record is created from a nonstock product in Product Adjust Non-stock/Direct Order Entry. If an error occurs, it cannot be overridden even if Allow Override is selected on the restriction record and you have the authority to perform the override.
Overriding a sourcing restriction
If Allow Override is selected on the sourcing restriction record, overrides can be performed in these functions:
- Purchase Order Demand Center
- Purchase Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry
- Transfer Demand Center Entry
- Transfer Entry
- VA Order Entry
You must have the authority, which can be set up in SA Administration Authorization Security Setup, or be granted authority by your supervisor to perform an override. If you have the authority to perform an override, the task you are performing is successfully completed and an informational message is displayed to inform you of the restriction. If you do not have override authority, you are informed that authorization is required. The override must be authorized before you can continue. If a restriction is overridden, the line is excluded from further validation if the document is maintained but the overridden line not changed.