Reactivating order as needed-nonstock products
Products set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup with a status of Order As Needed-Nonstk (OAN-NS) can be inactivated using the SA Administration Inactive Product Removal Report when there is no quantity available to sell and no active transactions exist in the system. The inactivation process for OAN-NS products sets the status in Product Setup to Inactive. The Product Warehouse Product Setup record is unchanged.
To enter an order for an inactive OAN-NS product at a later time, you can do
so in Sales Order Entry by reactivating it "on the fly". When you
specify the inactive OAN-NS product number, click to the question, This is
an Inactive Order As Needed - Non Stock Item; Reset Status to Active?
OAN-NS can be reactivated only if there is a Product Warehouse Product Setup record in the ordering warehouse with a status of Order as Needed-Nonstk. You must also have security to enter orders for OAN-NS products in SA Operator Setup-Other Entry Options. The Do Not Allow OAN-NS Stocking in OE option must be cleared.