Post year-end processing tasks
This topic describes the tasks that should be performed after year-end processing for Distribution SX.e.
Check the Current Fiscal Year in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year to confirm it reflects the new year. This value is updated when you run GL Administrator Year End Report.
If you forget to run GL Administrator Year End Report, you cannot post any journals for the new year. Running this function on the last day of the fiscal year is not required, however, you must run it before your first day of processing in the new fiscal year.
To make a posting to the previous year, overwrite the posting period and posting date to the previous year. This ensures that non-General Ledger reports, which generally rely on posting dates, match General Ledger reports, which generally rely on posting periods.
You must manually change the inquiries and reports that default to the fiscal year specified in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year to the current year.