EDI 867 outbound Product Transfer and Resale Report
The EDI 867 document, Product Transfer and Resale Report, informs vendors which of their products you have sold and to whom, and which products have been transferred and to what branch. You can report sales or transfers of product from one or more locations to an end customer (point of sale).
Run the SM Product Transfer/Resale-EDI867 Report to send the sales and transfer information to your vendors. The report generates one SXInventoryMovement BOD file for each sales order invoice or shipped warehouse transfer. Because this report processes numerous transactions, we recommend that you run this report during off hours.
The SM Product Transfer/Resale-EDI 867 Report generates a summary report that you can use to review and confirm the transactions that were processed by the report. The contents of the summary report is based on the (S)ale, (V)endor/Whse Sale, (T)ransfer option. It is organized by vendor. Totals by order and totals by vendor are included. Grand totals are included at the end of the report. The summary report is output using the printing method that you select on the Information page when you set up the SM Product Transfer/Resale-EDI 867 Report.
See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.