Multiple level customer price types
Customer price types are used to group customers together for product pricing purposes. You define the customer price types in SA Table Code Value Setup, and then specify them on these types of pricing records:
- Customer Type/Product (Level 3)
- Customer Type/Product Type and Customer Type/Rebate Type (Level 4)
- Customer Type (Level 6)
To qualify a customer or ship to for Customer Type pricing records, you can assign customer price types in Customer Setup, Customer Ship To Setup, and Customer Price Type Setup. You can assign one price type on the Ordering tab in Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup. You must assign additional price types in Customer Price Type Setup. The price type that you assign on customer and ship to records is used in the standard pricing hierarchy. The price types that you assign in Customer Price Type Setup are used in the multiple level pricing hierarchy, which permits customers and ship tos to participate in multiple pricing programs.
When you use multiple level pricing, the standard pricing hierarchy is first used to find the lowest, or 'best', system price. The price type from Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup is used in the standard pricing hierarchy to search for Level 3, 4, and 6 pricing records. If price type is not specified for the customer or ship to, then Levels 3, 4 and 6 are skipped in the standard pricing hierarchy.
After the system price is determined, the multiple level hierarchy is used to find a price. The price types from Customer Price Type Setup records are used to search for Level 3, 4, and 6 pricing records. After a multiple level price is determined, it is compared to the system price. By default, the lowest price is then used as the product price.
Both hierarchies prioritize Customer Type pricing records for the ship to. If none exist, then Customer Type pricing records for the customer are used. If a pricing record is not found in a hierarchy, then the base or list price is used as the price for that hierarchy and compared to the other price.
Multiple level hierarchy modification
You can use these options in SA Administrator Options-Products-Multiple Level to modify pricing record processing within the multiple level hierarchy and to prioritize multiple level pricing records over within the standard pricing hierarchy:
- Allow Override of Contractual Level Pricing in Multiple Level
Select this option to use the multiple level hierarchy after a Level 1 or 2 contractual pricing record is selected as the system price. If a lower price is found in Levels 3, 4, or 6, it overrides contractual price. By default, the option is not selected, and the contractual price record is used as the product price.
Level 1 records are Product pricing records. Level 2 records include Product, Customer/Product, Customer/Product Price Type, Customer/Product Line, Customer/Product Category, and Customer/Product Rebate pricing records.
Note: If a promotional price exists for the product, and the Promo Price Default option is set to Promo in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order-Entry Settings, the promotional price is used. Multiple level price types are not considered. - Select Multiple Level Customer Type Pricing Based on Level
When you select All, levels within the multiple level hierarchy are searched until a price is found for each customer type. Level 3 is searched for the first customer type, then Level 4, and then Level 6. Searching stops after the first price is found. The process is repeated for all customer types. The customer type prices are compared, and the lowest price is then compared to the system price. This price selection method within the multiple level hierarchy is standard.
When you select Level, levels are searched until a price is found for any customer type. Level 3 is searched for all customer types. If a price is not found on Level 3, then Level 4 is searched. If a price is not found on Level 4, then Level 6 is searched. If Level 4 is searched, then the sub-level hierarchy is ignored. If only one price is found, then it is compared to the system price. If multiple prices for a customer type are found on a level, then the lowest price is selected and compared to the system price.
When you select Sublevel, levels are searched using the same method as described for the Level option, except that the Level 4 sub-levels are searched individually per the sub-level hierarchy.
The sub types are product type and rebate type records but can also include rebate sub type records if Rebate Sub Type is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing. By default, rebate sub types records are searched before rebate type records. The default hierarchy of sub type records is product type, rebate sub type, and then rebate type. If Use Rebate Pricing Records Before Price Type is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing, then the hierarchy is rebate sub type, rebate type, and then product type.
- Use Multiple Level Best
You can select this option to use the multiple level price even if the system price is lower. If a pricing record is found in Levels 3, 4, or 6 using the multiple level hierarchy, then that price is used. If a pricing record is not found using the multiple level hierarchy, only then is the system price is used. If a pricing record is not found using the multiple level or standard pricing hierarchy, only then is the base or list price is used.