Setting up a manufacturer vendor in Customer Setup
If you are a manufacturer rep for one of your vendors, you can implement Manufacturer Rep sales order processing in Distribution SX.e. To record sales and commission payments from your manufacturer vendors, set up a record in Customer Setup to use when you create a Manufacturer Rep sales order in Sales Order Entry.
This customer record is associated with the manufacturer vendor. The vendor must be set up in Vendor Setup before you create the Customer Setup record.
- Select Customer > Setup.
- Click New.
- Specify the fields on the New page.
- For the Taxable Type, select Non Taxable.
- Click Save.
Complete the required information on the General view. Select Finance
Company if the manufacturer vendor does not have an Invoice To (floorplan) customer associated
with it.
In this case, the manufacturer vendor becomes the "finance" or floorplan customer for payment processing purposes.
- Select the Ordering view.
- If the manufacturer customer’s commission payments are paid by a corporate-level floorplan customer, specify that customer number in the Invoice To field. This customer must be set up in Customer Setup as a finance company.
In the Manufacturer Sales section, specify this information:
- Manufacturer Vendor
- Select this option to identify this customer record as a manufacturer vendor.
- Use Sales Rep In/Out
Select this option to override the ordering customer’s default Salesrep In and Salesrep Out when the Manufacturer Rep sales order is created in Sales Order Entry.
If you select this option, also specify a salesrep in the Sales Rep In and Sales Rep Out fields in the Order Entry section.
- Vendor #
- Specify the manufacturer vendor’s Vendor Setup number.
- Print Invoice For
Specify how the physical invoice is printed. Your options are Invoice To Customer, Order Customer, Neither, Both, or Report.
Select Report to use the selection for the Print Invoices option specified in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. This is the default selection for this field. Any selection other than Report overrides the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report print option setting. Selecting Report also honors your selection for the For (O)nly Billing, (F)loorplan, (B)oth option in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. If the manufacturer vendor’s Customer Setup record is set up to send statements to a corporate billing or finance company, and you select Floorplan or Both, the invoice is sent to the finance customer defined in the Statement to Customer field in Customer Setup.
Select Invoice to Customer to print the invoice for this manufacturer vendor.
Select Order Customer to print the invoice for the customer or ship to on the order.
Select Neither to not print an invoice for any Manufacturer Rep sales orders for this manufacturer vendor. For most manufacturer rep relationships, you will not require the invoice to be printed.
Select Both to print the invoice for both the manufacturer vendor and the ordering customer.
- Commission Earned Account
Specify the account from GL Account Setup to be used in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and Customer Cash Receipt Entry for posting the commission amount to be paid by the vendor.
Note: If no GL account is specified, suspense postings are created during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. The report does not use default GL accounts from the operator’s SA Operator Setup-Other Options or from Product GL Distribution Setup to post commission earned during invoice processing. - Commission Received Account
Specify the account from GL Account Setup to be used in Customer Cash Receipt Entry when posting the commission amount received from the vendor. This is a clearing account with no offset.
Note: If no GL account is specified, suspense postings are created during Customer Cash Receipts Entry. The report does not use default GL accounts from the operator’s SA Operator Setup-Other Options or from Product GL Distribution Setup to post commission payments. - Calculate Sales Rep Commission From
If you selected Use Sales Rep In/Out to pay a portion of the commission paid by the manufacturer vendor to your salesreps, select Earned Commission or Sales Amount.
When you select Earned Commission, salesrep commission is calculated based on the commission amount paid to the distributor by the manufacturer vendor.
When you select Sales Amount, the salesrep commission is calculated based on the net amount of all the lines on the order. This is the same as the standard order commission calculation.
- Click Save.