Optional use of payment reversal data
Optionally, Customer Payment Reversal Entry data is available through ION BODs, SX.API calls, and Birst extracts. Because access to this data is not required for the functionality, you are responsible for any configuration and setup required to make use of this data.
ION BOD and SX.API changes:
Data is available with existing BODs and API calls that contain related database fields. You may require access to this data to send to another Infor product, a customer, or a third-party product.
CustomerReturn | OEEH.arrevdttmz and OEEL.arrevdttmz |
SalesOrder | OEEH.arrevdttmz and OEEL.arrevdttmz |
CustomerPartyMaster | ARSC.nonsf |
Invoice | OEEH.arrevdttmz and OEEL.arrevdttmz |
SourceSystemJournalEntry | GLET.bankno |
ReceivableTransaction | ARET.reversedfl. If set to “yes”, the payment has been reversed. |
These API calls contain payment reversal data:
SXapi Call | REST Parameters | Direction | Description |
sxapiARGetCustomerData | t-fieldlist | Output |
Field Name: NoNSF Field Value: >>>>>>>>9 (ARSC.nonsf) |
Created new call:sxapiARGetCustomerDataCreditV2 | t-infieldvalue and t-outfieldvalue | Output |
Field Name: NoNSF Field Value: >>>>>>>>9 (ARSC.nonsf) |
sxapiOEGetSingleOrderV2 |
t-fieldlist [for header] t-oelineitem |
Output |
Field Name: DatePaidInvoiceReversal Field Value: 99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS.SSS+HH:MM (OEEH.arrevdttmz) Field Name: DatePaidInvoiceReversal Field Value: 99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS.SSS+HH:MM (OEEL.arrevdttmz) |
sxapiOEOrderChange |
t-outoeordhdrextra t-outoeordlineextra |
Output |
Field Name: DatePaidInvoiceReversal Field Value: 99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS.SSS+HH:MM (OEEH.arrevdttmz) Field Name: DatePaidInvoiceReversal Field Value: 99/99/9999 HH:MM:SS.SSS+HH:MM (OEEL.arrevdttmz) |
sxapiOEOrderCopyConvert | na | Output | OEEH.arrevdttmz and OEEL.arrevdttmz are set to “?” on the new order when a copy is performed. |
Created new call:sxapiSFGetOpenInvoiceV2 |
t-outfieldvalue |
Output |
Field Name: Reversed Field Value: yes/no (ARET.reversedfl) |
Created new call:sxapiSFGetOpenARTransactionV2 |
t-infieldvalue and t-outfieldvalue |
Output |
Field Name: Reversed Field Value: yes/no (ARET.reversedfl) |
Birst extracts for reporting
Table | Extract |
ARET | add ARET.payrowpointer and ARET.reversedfl |
ARSC | add ARSC.nonsf |
GLET | add GLET.bankno |
OEEH | add OEEH.arrevdttmz |
OEEL | add OEEL.arrevdttmz |
PV_USER | add PV_USER.nsfoverfl |
SASC | add AOData ARNSFFee, ARNSFWaiveFirstFeeFl, and ARAllowARPaymentReversals data |