Activate payment reversal
The customer payment reversal feature and the Customer Payment Reversal Entry function enable you to reverse customer payments. You must complete these high-level steps to activate this feature:
- In SA Administrator Options-Customers-Cash
Receipts, select the option, Allow AR Payment
Reversals, to activate this feature. After you select this option, optionally,
you can set an NSF Fee. You can
also select the option, Waive First NSF Fee.
Optionally, in NSF General Ledger
Account, you can specify an account to have the NSF fee posted to a specific
NSF account. If no account is specified, the fee is posted according to General Ledger
integration hierarchy. In the hierarchy, specifically, that is the Income General Ledger Account field value
in Customer Setup-General Ledger or the Sales field value in SA Operator Setup-Other Options-General Ledger-Accounts
Receivable.Note: After this feature is activated, payments that are made in Customer Cash Receipt Entry have additional data captured in a database table. This data enables the automated reversal process. Be aware that payments that are entered before the activation cannot be reversed with this automated reversal.
- Optionally, in SA Administrator
Options-Customers-Cash Receipts, select the option, Allow Payment Types, to ensure the Payment Type field is available in Customer Cash Receipt Entry.Note: Although this setting is optional, it is recommended. Specifying a payment type provides more granular information about the payment. The payment type should be made available in Customer Cash Receipt Entry. Otherwise, the field is not available in Customer Payment Reversal Entry.
The Payment Type field is available in the Transaction section of Customer Cash Receipt Entry. After setting the option, you must also select Payment from the posting Type field so the Payment Type field can be displayed. When displayed, the Payment Type field is a required field. The Payment Type field lists only the non-credit card and non-ACH payment types you have specified in SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type. Credit card and ACH payment types are not currently supported for this field.
- In SA Company Setup-Taxes-Tax Settings, the Tax Analysis field must be set to Accrual. You cannot perform automated reversal if this setting is Cash.
- Access to Customer Payment Reversal Entry is also controlled from SA Operator Setup-Function Security. You must set function security for this function to 5-Full Security for those operators tasked with reversing payments.
- Optionally, in SA Operator Setup-Other Options-General Ledger-Accounts Receivable, you can select the option, Allow NSF Fee Override in ARECR. This setting determines whether the operator has security to override the NSF Fee value when performing a payment reversal in Customer Payment Reversal Entry.
- Optionally, in SA Operator Setup-Other Options-Security Settings, you can set the option, Restrict Data Access for AR, to Yes. When set to Yes, the division numbers are validated against the divisions listed in the Allowed Division Numbers section. The validation limits the transactions available for reversal to the divisions allowed for the operator.
- Optionally, in SA Operator Setup-Other Options, to assign divisions to each operator, select the Allowed check box in the Allowed Division Numbers grid.
We recommend that you ensure these functions are configured correctly to make full use of this functionality:
- CR Bank Setup
- GL Transaction Entry
- Customer Setup
For example, the appropriate bank and account information is essential to ensuring the automated process updates correctly.