Updating groups using the Final Update function in Vendor Invoice Center Entry
The Final Update function in Vendor Invoice Center Entry is available only if your SA Operator Setup security for Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report is 2 (inquiry only) or greater.
- Select Vendor > Entry > Invoice Center.
- Specify the group to update, and then click Search.
In the Invoice List, select the transactions, and then select
More . . . > Final Update.
- If the Open Journal window opens, click OK.
- Optionally, specify the invoice date. If you are working with recurring groups, this date is assigned to all invoices you have selected.
- Indicate if you want to update the group transactions or only check for errors in the transactions. When a group is updated, the Last Posted By operator initials, date, and time in Vendor Group Setup are updated. If you do not select Update Files, when you process Final Update, a list of matches is generated but files and General Ledger accounts are not updated.
- If you selected Update Files, select Consider Warnings Critical if you do not want the system to update invoices with warnings. This includes invoices where the terms do not match those on any POs costed against the invoice. Those invoices remain in the group with the appropriate warning message noted.
If you are updating trade invoices, perform these steps:
- Indicate whether you want to override tolerances for quantity, line, or invoice amount, or whether you want to adjust the invoice tolerance if the line tolerance is overridden.
- Specify a GL variance account to which discrepancies are to be posted if costing and receiving amount do not match, and you will select Receive Cost in a subsequent step.
- Select a value in the Cost field for the reconciliation process. The default value is from the Value Inventory At option in SA Administration Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting.
Select the Receive DO PO’s option if you are costing a
single Direct Order (DO) purchase order and you want to automatically receive
the DO PO. The auto-receiving tolerances specified in SA
Administrator Options-Vendors-Receiving are applied. When you
select this option, you can specify how to print the Backorder Fill Report on
the Auto DO Receiving Options dialog.
Note: Any addons that are entered in Vendor Invoice Center Entry are carried back to the tied sales order if you are set up to bill direct PO addons to sales orders. This is dependent upon the selection of the Bill Direct PO Addons To Sales Orders option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders. You can also select the Receive DO PO’s option if you are updating a single invoice with multiple DO POs; however, no addons are billed to sales orders.
Specify the printing options, and then click Save to update the transactions.
If the trade invoice and purchase order amounts are within tolerance levels, or it is an expense invoice, the invoice is updated.
If the trade invoice and purchase order amounts are outside of tolerance, the system updates the vendor files and places the invoice on hold since reconciliation did not occur. The invoice remains in the group with the appropriate status message noted. Select an invoice and then click View Errors to see more detailed information. You must manually review this invoice to correct the out of tolerance condition.