Split scheduled payments for vendors
In Vendor Maintain Transaction Entry, you can split one scheduled payment into as many as 99 new scheduled payments. Each new scheduled payment reflects an equal portion of the original payment amount and original discount amount, with new due dates and discount dates. You must split the original scheduled payment entirely; the new scheduled payments must total the original payment and discount amounts. You might split a single payment under these circumstances:
- To apply new terms to an existing payment
- To correct mistakes made in Vendor Invoice Center Entry
- To split a disputed portion of an invoice into a new scheduled payment
You can see this information about split scheduled payments in the Transaction view of Vendor Inquiry:
- Which payments have been split
- How many payments the scheduled payment has been split into
- The new sequence numbers and amounts of the new scheduled payments
When scheduled payments are split, the invoice number of the original scheduled payment does not change. The sequence number of the scheduled payment being split becomes inactive, but a new sequence number is assigned to each new scheduled payment. Scheduled payments created through Vendor Invoice Center Entry can be split. Any new scheduled payments that are created retain the original payment’s post date. The post date is used as the cutoff date on the Vendor Trial Balance Report.
Only the payment terms are changed when payments are split. Because the original invoice amount is not changed, the General Ledger is not affected.