
This section lists the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Purchasing domain and the calculation used to determine their results.
KPI name KPI calculation
Ordered Amount
Received Amount
Invoiced Amount
Fill Rate Order
IF([poeh_enterdt: # pono] is null or [poeh_enterdt: # pono]  =0 or [poeh_enterdt: # poeh_shipcom_flag] is null,0,(([poeh_enterdt: # poeh_shipcom_flag] WHERE [POEH.poeh_shipcom_flag] = 'Yes') / [poeh_enterdt: # pono])*100)
Fill Rate Unit
IF([poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyord] is null or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyord] = 0 or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyrcv] is null or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyrcv] =0,0,([poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyrcv]/[poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_qtyord])*100)
Fill Rate Line
IF([poel_enterdt: # pono] is null or [poel_enterdt: # pono] =0 or [poel_enterdt: # poel_shipcom_flag] is null,0,(([poel_enterdt: # poel_shipcom_flag] where [POEL.poel_shipcom_flag] = 'Yes')/ ([poel_enterdt: # pono]))*100)
On Time Lines Perc
IF([poel_enterdt: # lineno] is null or [poel_enterdt: # lineno] =0 or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime] is null,0,([poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime] / [poel_enterdt: # lineno]) * 100)
On Time Lines 2 Days Perc
IF([poel_enterdt: # lineno] is null or [poel_enterdt: # lineno] =0 or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime_2days] is null,0,([poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime_2days] / [poel_enterdt: # lineno]) * 100)
On Time Lines 5 Days Perc
IF([poel_enterdt: # lineno] is null or [poel_enterdt: # lineno] =0 or [poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime_5days] is null,0,([poel_enterdt: Sum: poel_ontime_5days] / [poel_enterdt: # lineno]) * 100)
On Time Orders Perc
IF([poeh_enterdt: # pono] is null or [poeh_enterdt: # pono] =0 or [poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime] is null,0,([poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime] / [poeh_enterdt: # pono]) * 100)
On Time Orders 2 Days Perc
IF([poeh_enterdt: # pono] is null or [poeh_enterdt: # pono] =0 or [poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime_2days] is null,0,([poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime_2days] / [poeh_enterdt: # pono]) * 100)
On Time Orders 5 Days Perc
IF([poeh_enterdt: # pono] is null or [poeh_enterdt: # pono] =0 or [poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime_5days] is null,0,([poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime_5days] / [poeh_enterdt: # pono]) * 100)
Lead Time
Filled Orders
IF((IFNULL([POEH.poeh_totqtyord],0.00) >IFNULL([POEH.poeh_totqtyrcv],0.00)),0,1)
# Filled Orders
[poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_shipcom_bflag]
On Time Orders
IF([POEH.poeh_receiptdt] is null or [POEH.poeh_duedt] is null,1,IIF( DATEDIFF(DAY,[POEH.poeh_receiptdt],[POEH.poeh_duedt]) = 0,1,0))
# On Time Orders
[poeh_enterdt: Sum: poeh_ontime]
# of Orders
Count of total purchase orders (#pono)