Accounts Payable

This section lists the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Accounts Payable domain and the calculation used to determine their results.
KPI name KPI calculation
DPO (Days Payable Outstanding)
(([apet_invdt: Sum: apet_Open Payables Amount] where [APET.apet_transcd] = 3 and [APET.apet_statustype] = 'true') / ([oeeh_invoicedt: Sum: oeeh_totcost] where (([OEEH.oeeh_stagecd] = 4 or [OEEH.oeeh_stagecd] = 5) AND ([OEEH.oeeh_invoicedt]  >  DateAdd(Day,-365, NOWDATE))))) * 365
AP Open Amount
SUM (Apet_Open Payables Amount) by apet_invdt
Invoice Amount
SUM (apet_invoice amount) by apet_invdt
Payment Amount
SUM (apet_paymtamt) by apet_invdt
Avg Days to Pay
Total Days to Pay Payables
Late Payments
SUM (apet_Late Payments) by apet_invdt
AP Future Amt
SUM (apet_Open Payables Amount) where apet.duedt > Current Date
AP Overdue Amt
SUM (apet_Open Payables Amount) of all transactions that fall between Aging Period 1 and Aging Period 6
Discount Offered
Discount Taken
Discount Lost