
This section lists the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the Inventory domain and the calculation used to determine their results.
KPI name KPI calculation
3 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 3)/3
6 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 6)/6
9 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 9)/9
12 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 12)/12
15 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 15)/15
18 Months Average Inventory
Sum ( AvgInv 1 +….+Avg 18)/18
3 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 3)
6 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 6)
9 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 9)
12 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 12)
15 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 15)
18 Months COGS
Sum (Cost 1 +….+Cost 18)
3 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_3_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_3_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_3Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_3_MonthsInv])*4)
6 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_6_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_6_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_6Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_6_MonthsInv])*2)
9 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_9_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_9_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_9Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_9_MonthsInv])*1.333333)
12 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_12_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_12_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_12Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_12_MonthsInv])*1)
15 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_15_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_15_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_15Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_15_MonthsInv])/1.25)
18 Months Turn
IF([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_18_MonthsInv] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_18_MonthsInv] = 0,0,(IFNULL([IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_18Months_COGS],0.00)/[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_18_MonthsInv])/1.5)
Inventory Turns
Cost of Goods Sold / Average Inventory
IF([ICSWU_DS.icswu_avginvval_1]=0 and [ICSWU_DS.icswu_statustype]='o',0,IIF(IFNULL([ICSWU_DS.icswu_overusage_1],0.00) <> 0 or [ICSWU_DS.icswu_overreasty_1] is not null,(IFNULL([ICSWU_DS.icswu_overusage_1],0.00)*IFNULL([ICSWU_DS.icswu_unitcost_1],0.00)),(IFNULL([ICSWU_DS.icswu_normusage_1],0.00)*IFNULL([ICSWU_DS.icswu_unitcost_1],0.00))))
Line Hits
Line Hits = # of times a product appears on a sales order
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_linehits]
Lost Business Hits
# of times a product is marked as Lost Business on a sales order
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_linehitslb]
Warehouse Transfer Hits
# of times a product has been transferred on an order
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_linehitswt]
Total Hits
Line Hits + Lost Business Hits + Warehouse Transfer Hits
IU_linehits + : IU_linehitslb + : IU_linehitswt
On Hand Quantity
icsw.qtyonhand – icsw.qtyreservd – icsw.qtycommit - icsw.qtybo – icsw.qtydemand + icsw.qtyrcv
[icqty]=([ICSW.qtyonhand][ICSW.qtyunavail]+[ICSW.qtyrcvd])- ([ICSW.custqtyonhand]+[ICSW.custqtyunavail]+[ICSW.custqtyrcvd])
On Hand Average Inventory Value
((IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyonhand],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyreservd],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtycommit],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtybo],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtydemand],0.00)+IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyrcvd],0.00)) * IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_avgcost],0.00))
On Hand Standard Inventory Value
((IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyonhand],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyreservd],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtycommit],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtybo],0.00)-IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtydemand],0.00)+IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_qtyrcvd],0.00)) * IFNULL([ICSW.icsw_stndcost],0.00))
Normal Usage
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_normusage]
Transfer Usage
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_transusage]
Override Usage
[IU_Inventory_date: Sum: IU_overusage]
Hits % All Items
IF([oeel_invoicedt: # lineno] is null or [IU_Inventory_date: Total Hits] = 0,0,([oeel_invoicedt: # lineno]/[IU_Inventory_date: Total Hits])*100)
Inventory Value (Avg)
Inventory Value (Lst)
Inventory Value (Repl)
Inventory Value (Stnd)