Catalog and collection access

Permissions are applied to report catalog folders for each Infor OS Portal or Infor Ming.le security role and group. This table shows the report folders that each role has access to, and if that is read (R) or write (W) access.
Infor Ming.le security role Read (R) Reports Write (W) Reports
Birst-SystemAdministrator Inventory, Sales, Purchase, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Images, KPI Dashboard, Custom, Total Warehouse Logistics, Homepage Widgets, all Content Validation reports
SXBirst-Consumer-Administrator Inventory, Sales, Purchase, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Images, KPI Dashboard, Custom, Total Warehouse Logistics, Homepage Widgets, all Content Validation reports
SX-BIRST-AccountsPayable Accounts Payable, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-AccountsReceivable Accounts Receivable, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-GeneralLedger General Ledger, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-InventoryControl Inventory, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-KitProduction Images, KPI Dashboard Custom
SX-BIRST-OrderEntry Sales, Images, KPI Dashboard Custom
SX-BIRST-Purchasing Purchase, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-SalesManager Sales, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-SalesManagerExecutive Sales, Images, KPI Dashboard, limited Content Validation reports Custom
SX-BIRST-ValueAdd Images, KPI Dashboard Custom
SX-BIRST-WarehouseManager Total Warehouse Logistics, Warehouse Transfers, Images, KPI Dashboard Custom
SX-BIRST-WarehouseTransfer Images, KPI Dashboard Custom

Read permission grants the role the ability to view the content of the folder in Birst Designer and Dashboards.

Write permission grants the role the ability to modify, add, or delete the contents of the report folder.

You can modify the security settings for each group. For more information, see the Birst Online Help.