13-period fiscal year now supported in Sales and GL domains

The Distribution Analytics Sales and GL domains now support a 13-period fiscal year in the content's time dimensions. In Distribution SX.e, the fiscal year structure of your company is set in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year and SA Administrator Options-Financials-Period Structure. Now, the period end dates for the first twelve periods, which are determined by your specifications in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Period Structure, are reflected in the time dimension mapping in the Distribution Analytics Sales and GL domains.

Note: Changing the fiscal year in the middle of a year can cause drastic effects on the new posting periods and old history records. Do not change the settings in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Fiscal Year and SA Administrator Options-Financials-Period Structure without contacting Infor Support Services.

Feature activation

To enable reporting on 13-period fiscal data in Birst, you must download the FiscalPeriodsMap.csv file from the General Ledger Account Mapping File Downloads dashboard in Distribution Analytics. Then, modify the file according to your company's fiscal calendar and upload it to the Raw Source Space. This file contains the fiscal year definition for previous years and is required to set up your 13-period fiscal calendar in Birst.

See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide for more information.