Picked date for sales orders shows correct static time zone during daylight saving time

If you use a static time zone on reports, the Picked date and time for a sales order, which is determined when the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report is run, now correctly reflects the static time zone when the daylight saving time is enabled for the Cloud server. This change affects the Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report universally, whether it is run manually or as a scheduled report from any related function, or as part of the back order fill process.

To ensure that the static time zone is adjusted for daylight savings time, verify that Use Client Time Zone to Load Date/Time on System Records is selected in SA Administrator Options-System-General and that a static time zone is selected in Use Static Time Zone in Place of Client Time Zone For Report and System Generated Date/Time Fields field. Then, during daylight saving time, select Cloud Server Enable Daylight Saving Time in SA Administrator Options-System-General.