ETCC information updated for EDI 810 Invoice transactions

The Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry (ETCC) was updated to accurately reflect information pertaining to EDI 810i invoice transactions. These changes were made:

  • When a transaction is received without errors or exceptions, Hold is no longer displayed in the Approval Type column.
  • The Update Status column now displays these values:
    • Errors: Displays when the transaction includes errors, or errors and exceptions
    • Exceptions: Displays when the transaction includes exceptions only.
    • Complete: Displays when the transaction is received with no errors or exceptions.
    • Cancelled: Displays when the transaction is canceled.

    Previously, the column was blank regardless of the status of the transaction or any actions you performed. The column is now blank after you correct the errors and exceptions. You must then complete or cancel the transaction, based on your workflow, to update the status.

  • The Detail section on the Transaction Detail page now include these values:
    • Group name
    • Group sequence number
    • Vendor number
    • Document reference ID

    Previously, the values were only displayed in the grid on the Documents tab.