New Customer and Vendor Contacts widgets available

Customer Contacts and Vendor Contacts widgets are now available. These widgets show the contact information that is set up in the Contacts context application in Infor Ming.le.

The widgets were added to the appropriate standard homepages. The Customer Contacts widget was added to the Accounts Receivable and Customer Service homepages. The Vendor Contacts widget was added to the Accounts Payable and Purchasing homepages. If you created a duplicate of a standard homepage, then you must add the widget to the homepage from the widget catalog.

Each widget includes a Search feature to select a customer or vendor, and the ability to expand the record to view the contacts. You can initiate an email or call from the widget using a calling application that is available locally.

When you have access to multiple companies or have multiple user IDs in a company, you must configure the widgets to select a company/user ID value. You can also configure the widget to show active or inactive customers. By default, both types of customers are displayed.