Zero amount rebate reporting supported

You can use the new 0 $ Rebates: E)xclude, (IM)=0, (IN)=0, (IA)ll=0, (IS) option to include Vendor on Sales rebates with zero $ rebate amounts in the SM Rebate Report. By default, zero $ rebates are excluded. When you include zero $ rebates, you can also exclude or include the actual selling price, based on rebate type.

Specify one of these values:

  • IM: Includes all zero $ rebates and the actual selling price for the rebate transactions that are not manual rebates. Excludes the actual selling price for manual rebate transactions.
  • IN: Includes all zero $ rebates and the actual selling price for the manual rebate transactions. Excludes the actual selling price for rebate transactions that are not manual rebate transactions.
  • IA: Includes all zero $ rebates but excludes the actual selling price for all rebate transactions.
  • IS: Includes all zero $ rebates and the actual selling price for all rebate transactions.
Note: The 0 $ Rebates: E)xclude, (IM)=0, (IN)=0, (IA)ll=0, (IS) option is independent of the Set Zero Value Rebates to Reconciled? option.